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The US Consulate General Munich at the NGN

konsul18Since the 2016 elections and the beginning of Trump’s presidency the attitude towards the US has changed quite a lot in Germany. Discussing his policy in class, it was a real coincidence that the US Consulate General Munich offered a programme called A hundred schools in a hundred days, in which consular officers visit schools to inform students about American policy.

On 18th January Mr Stephan Manning came to our school to talk to us about his job, the job of the embassy and US foreign affairs and their relationship to Europe, he also offered us an insight in his daily life and things he likes about Germany (Schweinshaxen) and things he misses (TexMex food). All Q11 and Q12 English courses took part and had the chance to ask him whatever they wanted to know about the US. The information we were given was quite interesting, although Mr Manning did not answer controversial questions about political issues, about the American gun law, or the Paris Treaty due to his position at the embassy.

We would like to thank the Consulate General Munich and Mrs Bartz for organising this event and giving us the chance of talking to Mr Manning.

Q11, 1e1

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